Phase 1 (December 4, 2021): Issuing and storing e-invoices
From this date, as a taxpayer, you will have to issue and store e-invoices and electronic notes instead of physical invoices, credit, and debit notes.
In phase 1, you will need to start using an e-invoicing system that has internet connectivity and is compliant with ZATCA. The e-invoicing system can be an online cash register, e-invoicing software installed on your computer, or a cloud-based e-invoicing solution.
All elements and mandatory fields of the tax invoice must be included while issuing an e-invoice, such as the seller’s name and VAT registration number, the time the invoice is being issued, the VAT total, and the overall value of the invoice inclusive of VAT.
In phase 1, you don’t need to share data and report invoices to ZATCA.
Phase 2 (January 1, 2023): Integrating with the ZATCA system
This phase will be implemented in different stages for targeted taxpayer groups. Starting on January 1, 2023, you will have to integrate your e-invoicing solution with ZATCA’s system so you can send the e-invoices generated to the portal for verification and validation. Since this phase will be affecting different people at different times, you will be informed by ZATCA about the integration date at least 6 months before it affects you.
By this phase, you will need to issue e-invoices in specific formats (such as XML or PDF/A-3 format with embedded XML).
This phase will also have more technical requirements, so it’s best to have a system that has built-in compliance with ZATCA’s guidelines. Your system must be able to connect to external systems with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), and generate a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), a digital signature, a sequential number which differentiates each e-invoice, a hash, and a cryptographic stamp. Your system should also be equipped with anti-tampering features.
These features aren’t mandated for phase 1, but are necessary by phase 2.